Your comments

"...I am already doing this fight in the company i work for..."

Thanks Ahmad. But, no it's about other level of promotion. How to attract this to community developers?

How to make people interested in GWT to make GWT Community growing?

I know many people (also Java active developers) who tell "no GWT... it has no future". They use JavaScript related frameworks for frontend things. I think they are in mistake. GWT has the potential and has changed a lot recently. It's not the same GWT as in the past. But people don't know that. They think it's still the same GWT with a lot of issues...

But without growing Community, without discussions on Stack Overflow, forums, articles, tweets, etc. nobody will trust this technology.

So the question is how to attract this technology to Java and non-Java developers. How to convince them that this technology has the potential?

"...and for the community you can always contribute to the projects built around GWT in github, you can also join gitter chat channels, join the forums,  answer questions,  make questions, and try things out "

I'm doing that, but unfortunately I see that something is wrong and there are not a lot of "us".

Internet is full of Angular, React, Vue and this part is growing and growing.

What to do to make people talking more about GWT?