
What have you done with JsInterop that you can share?

Colin Alworth 7 years ago updated by Rafat Al-Barouki 7 years ago 3

A lot of people have given JsInterop a try recently. What have you created with it that the community might be interested in hearing about?

I implemented the browser state api for history handling in one of my project, i used elemental2 for this but with jsinterop i was able to add the missing parts from the elemental implementation.

JsInterop one best things ever happened to gwt i am still going to try to utilize it even more.

I just remembered another thing, i was able able to integrate vertx event bus with my gwt application on the client side by implementing sockjs methods using JsInterop, with just few JsInterop small interfaces and classes i was able to enable server push messagea from any node in a clustered and non clustered envirounment. It was like a sweet magic. Love JsInterop.

I’m currently implementing a jsinterop implementation for CKEditor api including all needed events and features come with it, and I was able to add it to my app with the support of its plugins also